Thursday, February 19, 2009

Xylocaine Cream

Lidocaine Powder. Another factor is how well you tolerate pain. Women are built to take pain better than men, because women are designed to give birth. This makes a normal woman's pain tolerance usually higher than a man's. Women who have given birth usually tolerate pain better than women who have not been through childbirth.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Xylocaine Cream

Lidocaine Powder Many factors play into how much a tattoo will hurt. One important factor is where the tattoo will be located on your body. Areas such as the outer arms, outer legs, upper back and upper chest are not very painful for tattooing. Other areas such as the lower back, inside the arms, or legs, near elbows and knees, along the spine, along the ribs, the lower front torso are all considered to be more painful areas. The feet and ankles are definitely more painful than other areas. This applies also to inside the wrist and hands.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Xylocaine Cream

Lidocaine Powder Some tattoo artists will say no. Others will say yes. There are many factors to consider when getting a tattoo and obviously the amount of pain you must go through for that tattoo will vary.

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Xylocaine Cream

Lidocaine Powder Some tattoo artists will say no. Others will say yes. There are many factors to consider when getting a tattoo and obviously the amount of pain you must go through for that tattoo will vary.

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Xylocaine Cream

Lidocaine cream, lidocaine gel, lidocaine ointment, xylocaine cream, xylocaine ointment, xylocaine gel, lidocaine spray, numbing gel, topical lidocaine, novacaine, benzocaine

Friday, February 13, 2009

Xylocaine Cream

Lidocaine Powder I guess the problem with creams and sprays is that you always want to last longer but there is a trade off in terms of your sensation. Delay creams are good to a point but clearly better methods are needed. You also need to to stroke and massage the Penis 20 minutes daily.

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Xylocaine Cream

Lidocaine Powder The answer was not a cream but a spray. I found myself a lidocaine spray which could be applied to the penis. Again, I waited for 5 minutes and then washed it off. Unfortunately, I used too much and I temporarily lost some sensation in my penis!